Unrar the FastActivate files to the root of the NB1 SD Card. For me I deleted every thing EXCEPT:ġ7.Ĝopy and paste the contents of the new maps you downloaded into the folder you just deleted files from (i.e. ***This next step may not be the same for every country depending on whether you have have speed cameras/voice commands/POIs etc.***ġ6.ĝelete all files in your countries map folder that have a duplicate in the new maps you downloaded. Go to your map folder on the NB1 SD Card (in my case "USA_Canada") Save the file as "ttgo.bif" to the root of your NB1 SD Card.ġ5. (I'm not sure if this step is actually necessary but it doesn't hurt to do it anyway)ġ3. Remove all the spaces in at the beginning of each line of the remaining information. (I used Notepad++ as it formatted the text in a more readable way)ġ0.ĝelete all lines of text before ""ġ1.ĝelete all lines of text after the line that starts with "BackupFSVersion="ġ2. Paste the contents of the clipboard into a text editor. Open TomTom Home 2 and wait for it to detect your your "Device"ħ.Ět the top of TomTom Home 2 click "Device" -> "Device Information"Ĩ.Ět the bottom of the small window that opens click "Copy to Clipboard".ĩ. Place your NB1 SD card in your PC's card reader and using Windows Explorer make a backup of all the contents on your card.Ħ.
If you don't have one already download a more robust text editor like Notepad++ĥ.

Part 1: Acquire all necessary files and toolsġ.ĝownload the newest ANDROID maps for your region.Ģ.ĝownload simba's patched 10.854 navcore for the NB1 (same version as the newest official TomTom navcore)Ĥ. Follow what I did and see if it works for you. There is no need to wipe/format the card or go back and forth to the car. I have succesfully gotten USA Canada 945.6256 maps working on my NB1 using simba's patched navcore. Hello everyone I registered just to make this post because the people, tools and maps here have helped me. Od té doby jej mnoho mých kamarádů a známých a těch, co si o něj napsali, využili a parádně si aktualizují mapové podklady. Tento návod jsem sem dal již v roce 2015. Na tomto místě bych rád upozornil, abyste se nechlubil "cizím peřím", váš návod je pouhým lehce modifikovaným překladem z češtiny do slovenčiny.